With its unique blend of cutting edge techniques and ancient medicinal ingredients, the Korean skincare industry creates some of the most effective products on the market today.

This blog is dedicated to bringing you all the latest news and reviews right from the front lines!


My name is Rose, and I am a self confessed, skincare fanatic!

While working in the entertainment industry, I’ve lived all over the world, London, Paris, New York and Seoul, and it was in that South Korean metropolis that I discovered the world of Korean skincare and the incredible effects it has on the skin.

After years struggling with acne, which severely depleted my self-confidence, as well as eczema and sensitive skin, that left my skin red and painful, making the move to Korean skincare produced results I didn’t even know was possible. I switched my entire approach to my skin, protecting it, nourishing it and focusing less on short term treatments.

I thought to myself, if my sassy, uncooperative, ‘allergic to everything’ skin can improve this much, then maybe I can help others change their skin for the better!

‘‘A Rose, By Any Other Name would smell as sweet’’


Check out my socials below