CELLBN’s Galactomyces 97% Ampoule

Brand Focus

CELL BN is not a new brand, indeed the company was founded in 1994, however it’s new to me, and quite a lovely new find, I must admit! They focus on creating science based products using ingredients as naturally source and organic as possible. Their website speaks at length about the commitment to producing products that sit in harmony with both our skin and the environment at large. This is definitely something I appreciate and look for more and more in brands! In regards to their products, they’re definitely not a ‘starter’ brand. What I mean by this is that their products are specific and often have their main ingredients in very high concentrations. So, if you’re totally new to skincare and don’t know your skin needs, you’ll probably find their product range a little hard to navigate, and perhaps not as effective because you’re opting for products you don’t really need. But if you’re a fanatic like me- it’s actually quite fun! Aside from this Galactomyces Ampoule that I’m reviewing here, they have a 100% Original Artemisia Princes Leaf Extract and a Kelp mask that I cannot WAIT to try! But let’s talk a little about this product that I have actually used…


Ingredient Focus 

Galactomyces is an ingredient I’ve always found fascinating due to its rich cultural history. It’s actually a type of yeast, specifically a byproduct of the sake fermentation process. If you weren’t aware sake is a popular rice-based alcoholic drink produced and consumed predominantly in Japan. It’s made in a similar way to beer in that the starch (in this case, rice) is converted into sugars which ferment into alcohol- and it’s this fermentation process that produces the Galactomyces. The way it was discovered as being a potentially very useful skincare ingredient however, is that centuries ago, when the sake was produced by hand, the factory workers always maintained exceptionally soft, youthful-looking hands. And thus, the age-dying byproduct was harnessed and has since been cultivated by skincare brands in order to make their products more potent and effective!

Specifically, though, like all fermented ingredients, including Galactomyces in products improves the rate of product absorption, which means you’re getting more of the benefits of that product. It also brightens skin, reduces hyperpigmentation and increases skin cell moisture levels by encouraging higher rates of hyaluronic acid production. So, essentially, for those of you with dull, tired or ageing skin, this is a really great ingredient to be looking out for!


Experience focus 

The first thing to focus on when talking about CELLBN’s Galactomyces 97% Ampoule is the fact that it contains such a high percentage of Galactomyces. Indeed, that’s what initially caught my eye! It’s rare to find a product with such a strong concentration of this particular ingredient, largely due to the associated costs, but also, up until quite recently it wasn’t particularly popular to have products that ‘specialise’. Obviously that is certainly not the case anymore, nowadays people are much more tuned in to what they skin needs and as a result are looking for products (and ingredients) that target their specific skin concerns. This has lead to a huge influx in companies coming out with ‘minimalised’ ingredients lists, containing super high percentages of one particular ingredient! But that’s a topic for another day! 

The advantage of this product having such high concentrations of Galactomyces is obviously its potency. If you’ve decided you want to introduce this ingredient into your regime, or if you’ve tried a similar product and want to boost your levels, then this is a great option. You’re absolutely getting good bang for your buck ingredients-wise. However, we’ve got to talk about the other ingredients too! For example Niacinamide, which is second on the list, and therefore also found in high concentration. One of my all time star ingredients, I love using it to reduce hyperpigmentation and banish dullness, especially during England’s long, dark winters when it seems the sun will never return! 

 Cyclopia intermdeia leaf extract is also included in the product’s formulation, which is a wonderful antioxidant and has proven to be excellent for preventing the ageing of skin. (In 2014 a group of Korean scientists did quite an interesting study on this ingredient, which I’ll leave at the end of this review, just incase there are ay science nerds out there who are interested!). Finishing out the fairly concise ingredients list are some lovely humectants and emollients to ensure your skin receives that extra hit of hydration. 


Texture-wise, I found this to be rather unique. Unlike normal ampoules that tend to be rather viscous, the Galactomyces 97% Ampoule is much more watery and light. In fact, to be honest I think it’s more an essence in my book! Apart from it being a very highly concentrated formula, which tends to be the tell-tale sign of an ampoule, it certainly has more characteristics of an essence than an ampoule. This very light texture has allowed me to use this ampoule in a multure of ways, which is great- we love a multipurpose product! I use it often on its own as a very light layer. I tend to apply it just after my light essences, and before anything thicker (be that another essence or serum etc). I also mix it with other products like my moisturiser to boost the benefits of the ingredients in that product. Lastly, I’ve found myself make mini sheet masks with it! To do this I just soak cotton pads (my favourite are these from Muji) in solution and place them all across my face, and let them sit for 10-15 minutes- you’re skin will instantly look more glowy, happy and as if you’ve actually had more than 4 hours of sleep, even if you DEFINITELY haven’t!


I haven’t been using this product for long enough to give too much feedback in regards to many of its long term promises, for example it’s anti-aging benefits. However, in the short term, it has certainly improved the appearance of my skin. I kept it quite reserved in the beginning, using it only maybe once a week, and then increased usage as I became more confident that my skin wouldn’t react to it. The more I used it, the brighter my complexion became. Particularly on the days after I used it as a sheet mask I would commonly get compliments on how luminous my skin looked (which are always the most lovely compliments to get!). I feel like this is a really good, high quality product that I can see myself continuing to use for a good while.

The only negative for me is the pricing. This is not the cheapest product on the market. At approximately £31 for 150ml, it’s definitely a product you should ponder for a moment before clicking that confirm payment button! However, there is something to be said in regards to the quality and potency of this product. Although you’re paying quite a bit of money, you do get more quantity than you’re average ampoule AND the ingredients in this are super concentrated and effective. I’ve certainly spent and equal amount of money for less effective product in a small bottle- no question. So although parting with £30 for any product should make you hesitate, for me, this will only be a very slight pause moving forward, because the pros far outweigh the cons.


Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, Niacinamide, Cyclopia Intermedia Leaf Extract, Propanediol, Glycerin, Lecithin, Adenosine, Sodium Levulinate, p-Anisic Acid

Overall this gets a solid 5/5 for me. I loved my experience using this product, and a replacement is already in my shopping bag! 

If you’d also like to purchase, you can find it here


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