The Best Facials In London

A guide to my go-to London clinics that provide top quality results, for reasonable prices. 


It could be argued that I put a little too much emphasis on what my face looks like, more specifically what the skin on my face looks like. I mean, I literally run an blog almost entirely dedicated to my quest to improving it look better. It’s not that I’m superbly and monstrously vain (although I probably do linger a little too long in front of reflective shop windows…), but I spent such a huge part of my life basically hating the image that looked back at me, that now that I’m comfortable with it, confident even, I find joy in looking after it, and seeing the results of my hard work and persistence. 

Facials are something I’ve always viewed as somewhat of an investment. No-one can ignore the fact they’re pricey, at least the good ones are (and please for the love of all things necessary, only get good facials). For me, though, they’re an important part of my skin care journey, and current routine. I began seeking professional help in the form of skin targeting treatments towards the end of what I call my ‘acne chapter’. Most of the damaging blemishes had gone, but I was left with pretty serious hyperpigmentation. The fact that I resemble Caspar The Friendly Ghost’s anaemic cousin most of the time (I’m Pale with a capital P), didn’t help matters. Starting off with sessions to treat that specific problem, over the years I’ve expanded the range of treatments I look for, as well as the geographical locations of said treatments. London, Beijing, Seoul, Toronto, I’ve been inside a lot of consultation rooms in my time. And now it’s time to share a couple of local spots with you. London has wonderful treatment options, so as the world slowly but surely returns to normalcy, if you do decide to treat yourself (and again, I’m aware facials are a luxury, not a must!), let me advise you on my personal favourites.

Skin Laundry 


This company began my love of facials. I first walked into the lobby of their Flatiron (New York) location when I was studying film in the city, and attempting to negotiate a particularly crippling lapse of self confidence combined with a rather aggressive bout of anxiety related inflammation and break outs. I didn’t feel great about myself inside nor outside. I rationalised that my existential crisis regarding who I was and what I was going to do with my life was something I was going to have to figure out over time. My face, however? I could probably fix that, and it might go someway towards boosting my confidence. I booked during a promotion they were running at the time, which got me 3 laser facials, for about £150  ($200), if I remember correctly. I adored the results, and when they opened their first London location, there I was, ready to get my fix again. The laser work they do can treat a number of issues such as ageing and acne breakouts, but for me, it was something that really reduced my irritation and hyperpigmentation significantly. I go for their Signature Facial. I’ve always found the company to be incredibly approachable and down to earth, they never make you feel awkward, or like you shouldn’t be there, and the results really do speak for themselves. Treatments are also exceptionally well priced, and they have almost zero downtime- perfect for women (and men!) on the go.  

9 Newburgh St, Carnaby, London W1F 7RL


Pfeffer Sal


I wish I could say this was London’s most hidden gem, but that wouldn’t be strictly true, although it certainly feels like it! Situated at the end of one of Fitzrovia’s most charming mews (what we, the British, call the maze of hidden little alleyways that once housed the carriage horses of 19th century London, whose stable blocks have now been remodelled into ultra-exclusive 2 storey properties), protected by the hustle and bustle of central London, you could be forgiven for thinking you’d accidentally walked into a skin-care lovers version of The Secret Garden. While the surroundings are low-key, the reputation of this particular clinic is anything but. Amongst our capital’s beauty lovers, Pfeffer Sal have been providing top notch skincare treatments, and most importantly advice for a while now. Most sessions, especially if it’s your first time, will start with something they refer to as a Skin MOT. Here, the technician will discuss your lifestyle, your skincare, and assess your skin using a multitude of techniques, including various scans, to highlight problem areas. Once your skincare needs have been identified, you’ll begin whatever treatment you agree would be most effective. I tend to go for their Essential Facial, because after a cleanse and massage, the main event is a vitamin cocktail, specifically tailored to what my skin needs on any given day, which I find works best for me. This facial usually includes the use of LED to ensure the vitamins penetrate as deeply as possible, however this can be kept off, if you’d prefer a less intense treatment. Overall, this is one of the more powerful treatments on this list, and due to my super sensitive/reactive skin, can sometimes cause a little bit of inflammation for the first 24 hours, which settles soon after. The positive effects (Hi dewey, glowey happy skin!), however, stay with me for weeks afterwards. I usually have about 2 of these a year, and they cost £160 for a 1hr 20min session. 

The Stables, 10B Warren Mews, London W1T 6BY


Dr Michael Prager Clinic


 For congested skin, I absolutely swear by the The Prager Hydrogen Facial at the Dr Michael Prager Clinic. It’s a treatment fully focussed on cleansing and detoxifying the skin, while encouraging its quick repair. I leave the clinic with a face feeling ‘squeaky clean’- which if course it’s not; it’s actually extremely hydrated and bouncy thanks to the highly antioxidant rich hydrogenated water they apply using hydra-dermabrasion, but the feeling of rejuvenation and freshness is very real! The clinic itself is slightly more intimidating than the others on this list, with its reputation as the destination for flawless, natural looking Botox, and a client list with skin as equally flawless (and wrinkle free, no surprises there!). However, the clinicians have never been anything but welcoming, and not pushy at all. I’ve never felt pressured to get anything other than my originally planned facial. Of course, if you’re interested in getting slightly more invasive treatments, like botox, you’d be in great hands! The Hydrogen Facial costs £125, and it’s well worth it to banish a congested visage that cleansing at home just won’t fix. 

52 Beauchamp Pl, London SW3 1NY


Kate Kerr London 


My favourite spot to visit before a big event, Kate’s Brightening Facial imbues your skin with that ‘lit from within’ glow, plus the added benefit of making it look like you’ve been extra proactive about going to the gym recently, thanks to the lymphatic draining massage that disperses water retention in the face. This facial starts way before you lay back in the treatment chair. First, you’ll face a series of questions regarding every aspect of your skincare routine, your diet and your lifestyle, the answers to which will determine what products your clinician uses for your treatment. You’ll then undergo some pretty serious cleansing steps, which might also include blemish extractions, to remove all dead skin and impurities from your skin, after which actives are applied to your newly refreshed skin in order to boost hydration, and ensure all the nutrients generate deep into the skin’s layers. The end of the treatment includes a lymphatic massage, which is wonderful for de-puffing the skin, and achieving an overall more chiselled look (kind of like a glimpse as to what my face might look like if I didn’t keep ignoring the gym in favour of meeting up with friends after work!). Though this natural contouring effect may only last 24 hours or so, the brightened complexion sticks around much longer- perfect for the day before a big event, or a week-long affair like a wedding. Oh they also win the award for coolest lobby… if that award exists… which it should. The Brightening Facial costs £150, or £230 if you’re lucky enough to have Kate herself administer the treatment.

agua London at Sea Containers, 20 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD








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